2016 Alki Running Club

By Alki Elementary PTA (other events)

Thu, Apr 21 2016 2:50 PM PST Thu, May 19 2016 4:00 PM PST

Welcome to the new start of Alki Elementary PTA Running Club! If your child is going to participate in the PTA’s fundraiser, Running Club, this year,please sign up here. Registration deadline is Friday April 1, 2016 (No Foolin'!). 

Dates: Thursdays – April 21st - May 19th
Cost: $52 for K-5. Fee waived if parent/guardian volunteering to be a Running Club Coach.  
Time: 2:50-4:00pm
Where: Starts/Ends in Alki Gym. In the middle, kids will be out and about on runs!

What is Running Club?

Running Club started a few years ago as a fun after school activity to help keep kids moving. The kids are divided up into small groups (usually by grade) and are led by volunteer coaches in physical activities including distance, relay, calisthenics, etc. as well as nutrition.

The kids will receive necklaces and a foot charm that go on the necklaces as a part of Running Club.

Running Club provides a small snack, if there are any dietary considerations; please have your child pack a snack. On Running Club days, please make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear and bring a water bottle.

Running Club Students will be provided a pinnie/vest to wear during running club when leaving the Alki Elementary school grounds.  If your child has an Alki-A-Thon shirt or sweatshirt they may also wear it on running club days. However, this is not mandatory.

Note from the Running Club Coordinators:
Are you interested in helping kids get their bodies moving? Do you like to have fun and want to help out? You don’t have to be an avid runner to be a Running Club Coach.  This is the essential part of making this program work.  We are excited about adding some new activities into Running Club this year and need your help to do it.  If you want to join in the fun, please contact Lynda, or Heidi.  We will have a mandatory coaches meeting on Thursday, April 7th at 2:15 pm in the school cafeteria.  If you cannot attend that day, please coordinate with us.  It is going to be a great five weeks and we thank you in advance for helping to make sure we can keep this popular program going at Alki.

If you would like to be a coach, please contact us with questions.

Cheers and happy running!

Jen Typpi  206-399-2090  [email protected]

Brooke Fitterer  206-913-3323  [email protected]

P.S. Limited scholarships available, please contact one of us if you need one!